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Creating Freedom Through Financial Independence


Podcast: Personal Habits for Wealth and Happiness

January 11, 2022

Personal Habits for Wealth and Happiness

In this episode…

In our first podcast for 2022, we want to talk about some personal habits and traits that we think are really important in building a happy and prosperous future.

These things not only help us reach our goals, but keep our lives balanced and healthy too!  Hope you enjoy the chat.


Listen to the show…

(or download the mp3 file here)


Discussion points…

  • Quick catchup  (1:18)
  • Be action oriented  (4:30)
  • Gratitude and perspective  (12:06)
  • Keep your wealth and spending in proportion  (19:40)
  • Prioritise investing  (26:11)
  • Health and relationships  (32:09)

Resources and stuff mentioned…

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Thanks for tuning in!  If you enjoyed the show, please share it to help spread the word.

Have something to add to this discussion?  Share your thoughts in the comments below…


8 Replies to “Podcast: Personal Habits for Wealth and Happiness”

  1. When you say saving you mean investment right? So I automatically put extra into my superannuation. Is that my automatic saving : investing?

    1. Yep, that’s a great example. In that sense saving and investing are the same thing, since that money is being invested inside super. Both can be thought of interchangeably since they both improve your net worth and your overall financial position 🙂

  2. Hey guys! GREAT topic on the broadcast, it really resonated with me. A question: what is the frequency at which you guys invest in shares? I have a commsec account and was previously investing every fortnight. Do you guys have a regular interval or do you invest in lump sums?

  3. Thanks Guys,
    Another great podcast to start the year :-). Very true – perspective, gratitude and spending in proportion go a long way…
    Keeping the FIRE dream alive!

  4. Happy New Year! What a great topic and pod to start the new year.

    When I look back, I was so ungrateful as a teenager and in my early 20’s. Living with Mum and Dad and having no cares or responsibility made me so ungrateful. I just had no appreciation for others and I did not know how good I had it.

    It was a shock to the system, once I had to move out of home and pay my way. I think the lessons you mentioned, start to get taught once you leave home and become independant.

    1. Thanks very much Nat, glad you liked it!

      Totally understand where you’re coming from, I was also a shitty teenager who didn’t appreciate anything. You’re spot on, it’s once we start living as an adult and are responsible for everything that we start learning and thinking a bit more.

      I’ve also read that our brains are extremely self-focused at a young age, and as we mature as a late-teen and older, that’s when we have a greater capacity to think about others and the world itself in greater detail. So part of the ungratefulness (that a word?) may be hard-wired, but parents should still do their best to instill these types of lessons and just hope they sink in a tiny bit 🙂

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