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Creating Freedom Through Financial Independence


RateSetter Signup Bonus – Update

December 6, 2017

***Note:  Since writing this post, RateSetter has changed its name to Plenti***

Just a quick update regarding the RateSetter signup bonus.

Quite a few of you have taken up the bonus that RateSetter offers Strong Money readers, which is great!

I know some of you have signed up in the last few weeks but haven’t received your bonus yet.  Thanks for letting me know by the way!

I’ve been chasing this up with RateSetter in the last couple of days.

They have informed me there was a technical error.  And they’ll be paying out the signup bonuses later this week.  So everyone who met the criteria will receive their bonus by early next week, at the latest!

For those unaware, see my post about the offer – P2P Lending: How To Get A 14% Return.

Essentially, I’ve set up a deal with RateSetter.  Any readers who signup using my link, and invest (lend) $1000 in the 3 year market (or longer), get a $100 bonus which will be paid shortly after the investment is made.  And this blog will receive the same bonus too – so thanks for your support!

Here is the signup link, for those that are interested – RateSetter signup bonus.  You can also read the T&Cs here.

For those who missed my review of RateSetter and Peer-to-Peer Lending in general – see my overview here – Become A Bank With Peer-to-Peer Lending. 

Usually, RateSetter runs a report at the start of each month to see who qualified for the bonus from the month just ended, making payment thereafter.  Generally, the bonus payments are made in the first fortnight of each month.  (Update: RateSetter now runs this report every week or two, so the signup bonus is now paid much faster!)

If there’s any issues with the link or you didn’t receive your bonus, please let me know.

Almost everything you’d want to know regarding the RateSetter platform and how it works, is available on their website.

And finally, if you have any other questions about P2P Lending, just ask.  I’ll try and help as best I can 🙂

Happy investing!



16 Replies to “RateSetter Signup Bonus – Update”

  1. How did I miss this the first time around?? I’ve been waiting for their bonus to come back as they stopped it for a while so I’m glad to hear you’ve negotiated the deal for us all. Amazing 🙂

    1. Haha well wait no more. It’s definitely generous and best of all it’s a win for everybody!

      Enjoy your lending Miss B 🙂

    1. Hi grogounet. Thanks for the questions. We’ve been using p2p lending since May 2016. We have a considerable amount invested on the platform (six-figures) and very happy with it – that’s why I feel comfortable recommending it. And I receive the same bonus payment ($100) as anyone who signs up and meets the investment criteria. Hope that helps 🙂

    1. Hi Phil. Sorry I didn’t make it clear in this article. Usually at the end of the month RateSetter runs a report to find the customers who qualify – and pays the bonus within a week of that. So come the end of the month, I’ll remind them about it – and you should receive it in the first week of January. If not, let me know and I’ll chase it up 🙂

    1. Hi Jane, it’s an ongoing offer for any new investors. If you haven’t used it before you can sign up any time you like 🙂

  2. Hey Dave

    I was going to sign up but apparently already have an account (haven’t used it to invest) I think a few years ago was looking at a debt consolidation loan but didn’t move forward with it. Anyway how thins have changed now! Do you know if I’ll still be eligible for the bonus?

    1. Hey Daniel. The bonus is only available for brand new accounts that are referred from this blog, sorry.

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