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Creating Freedom Through Financial Independence

Australia’s ultimate free
resource to help you:

Reach financial independence and retire early

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Who is Dave Gow?

After leaving work, I decided to share my thoughts on saving, investing, and the mindset that helped me reach financial independence.
From forklift driving to Financial Independence and freedom at 28.
Latest Articles
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February 8, 2025

Our Thailand Adventure: A Great Place to Retire?

This post is about our holiday in Thailand – what we did, how much it cost, and my thoughts on the lifestyle, sights and culture.  I also discuss Thailand as a retirement destination.

January 11, 2025

“FIRE First, Then A House” | Strong Money Stories #4

This reader story is from a family who has taken a radical approach from the norm.  They’ve prioritised freedom and adventure and time with their kids over home ownership, and are much wealthier and happier for it.

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November 30, 2024

Relentless Saver Syndrome (And How to Overcome It)

My thoughts on a behavioural trap I see in the FI community, how to recognise it and how to fix it.  Far more common than you might think, and it can prevent you from enjoying the wonderful wealth you’re building.

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November 16, 2024

“Semi-Retiring In My Mid 30s” | Strong Money Stories #3

Lizzie changed her career, moved location, sold her home and switched investment strategy.  Now she’s looking to semi-retire in her 30s.

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October 5, 2024

7 Years of Freedom: Notes From The Other Side #3

I share what we’ve been up to in our 7th year of retirement.  Hear about our trips and travel plans, finances, volunteering, and more.

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September 21, 2024

How a 21-Year-Old is Fast-Tracking Financial Independence | Strong Money Stories #2

Discover how 21-year-old Kyle, took a pay cut, switched jobs, and is setting himself up for financial independence by paying off debt, living simply, and investing for the future.

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Really excellent material and knowledge on FI & common sense investing from an ordinary person’s viewpoint. You also have an incredible knack of writing simply but effectively.


You guys are great at deploying information in an interesting
and down to earth way which is easily relatable so thank you once again.


It’s helped me so much when it came to thinking about my future and how to achieve FIRE. It motivated me to get my portfolio started and it’s put me in a relatively good position for my age (26).


Thanks so much for all the time and effort you put in to creating interesting and thought provoking articles. I really love your clear way of explaining things whether they be simple or complex.


Thanks again for everything you do on this blog. I appreciate the significant amount of time that you invest into this. It’s been a pleasure to read.


After stumbling on your blog and podcast, it has helped me take actionable steps towards FI; putting me in a much better financial position than I was beforehand.

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10 Steps to Financial Independence
New Book

Strong Money Australia: How to Gain Financial Independence and Create a Life of Freedom

After 5 years and hundreds of articles and podcasts, I decided to distill everything down into an easy to follow book.

Designed as a complete roadmap to achieving financial independence and retiring early in Australia.

The crucial lessons, principles and the philosophies around creating wealth and living life on your own terms. Built on my personal experience and what I've learned along the way.


Dave you should get the Order of Australia medal 5 times over. No-one ever teaches any of this through 12 years of useless schooling. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!!!
Thank you so much for the podcast, I feel really empowered and in charge of my financial future.
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