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Creating Freedom Through Financial Independence


March 7, 2020 Optimisation Day: The Annual Gift To Your Future-Self

Nailing down the best deals on everything to keep your finances in tip top shape.

October 5, 2019 7 Business Principles to Master Your Personal Finances

What we can learn from the business world and apply to our personal finances.

September 23, 2019 When Novelty is the New Normal

Clever marketing has convinced us we need to constantly upgrade all our stuff to live a good life.  It’s consumerism on steroids, and we need to see it for the bullshit it really is.

August 31, 2019 How to Get Ahead in a Slow Economy

Even when outside factors like the economy aren’t going so well, there is plenty we can do personally to improve our financial situation.

April 13, 2019 How To Make Better Financial Decisions: My 4-Part Framework

I share the process that has helped me make better financial decisions over the years.

March 23, 2019 Frugality and Fitness: Boost Your Health and Grow Your Wealth

Being healthy, fit and strong doesn’t require spending a fortune on the gym, supplements and gear.

November 29, 2018 It’s All About The Increments Baby!

How lots of small savings can make a huge difference to our wealth and financial progress.

November 12, 2018 Is Your Dream House Costing You Your Freedom?

Buying a dream house is often the one decision that keeps people trapped in their full-time jobs for the next 30 years.

October 9, 2018 Money vs You – The Ultimate Power Struggle

Either we control our money, or it controls us.  How to get on the right side of this relationship.

August 28, 2018 Frugality and Food – The Grocery Strategy

How to save a fortune on your groceries.  My strategies for staying well fed at low cost.

June 16, 2018 Saving vs Investing – Where Should You Focus?

Why spending extra time working on your savings is more rewarding than trying to earn higher investment returns.

April 16, 2018 Build A Better Future by Fighting Our Dark (Lazy) Side

Quite often, the best thing we can do for ourselves, and our future, is the opposite of what we feel like doing.

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10 Steps to Financial Independence