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Creating Freedom Through Financial Independence


Investing During A Pandemic (Webinar Replay)

April 29, 2020

As mentioned last week, I was invited to be a guest on a webinar to chat about investing in the current environment.

I also promised you a recording of the event for those who wanted to see it later.  And it’s now ready!

The webinar was hosted by Ati Aziz from Finimize.  The panelists were myself, and CEO of Sharesight, Doug Morris, and we had questions from the audience. 


During the event, we discussed:

—  How long Doug and I have been investing and how we each got started.

—  Misconceptions around the share market and why investing doesn’t have to be complicated.

—  My journey to Financial Independence, and why I transitioned from property to shares.

—  Principles of investing that Doug and I follow during times like this (we’re both quite different investors).

—  Doug explains his strategy of direct stock investing, while I discuss the more diversified, passive approach.

—  Tips for beginners who want to get started.

—  How to balance opportunity and regret when making decisions.

—  And more!


As some of you will remember from my comments on the Playing with FIRE Sydney Premiere, speaking (especially live) isn’t exactly my favourite thing to do 😉

Actually, I find it pretty scary!  So I was nervous, but it all went well and feedback on the night was positive.

People tuned in from multiple countries, including the UK, Greece, Hong Kong, and elsewhere, which is pretty cool.

You might’ve noticed something else.  I’ve uploaded this webinar replay to the FI/RE & Chill YouTube channel!  Before you jump to conclusions and think we’re trying to take over the world (haha!), it’s not like that…

Pat and I will be using the channel to share highlights and short clips from the podcast.  That way, people who missed it or just enjoy video can watch some of our favourite bits from the show.  We might also upload other video content from time to time.

Again, thanks for your support – we’re really grateful for the positivity and excitement so far.  Now we have to do our best to deliver!

Hope everyone is having a great week, and I’ll be back with a new blog post on the weekend 🙂


2 Replies to “Investing During A Pandemic (Webinar Replay)”

  1. Do you have any blogs on how to select a good performing Superannuation fund. I am in pension mode and some funds like Hostplus would be more impacted by the government approved $20K withdrawal by those impacted by job losses.

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