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Creating Freedom Through Financial Independence


Podcast: The Best Things We’ve Spent Money On

November 17, 2020

In this episode…

We share the areas of our lives where we’ve spent MORE money than we otherwise could have.  These things are some of our favourite purchases (past and current) that have really brought value to our lives.

Remember, pursuing financial independence is not about cutting down on everything so you can save.  It’s about mindful spending!


Listen to the show…

(or download the mp3 file here)


Discussion points…

  • A morning booster  (02:45)
  • Dave’s four-legged friend  (07:39)
  • International adventures  (09:45)
  • Pat’s unusual obsession…  (13:08)
  • Frustrations with the gym  (18:03)
  • An oily topic  (23:05)
  • Dave connects to the modern world  (25:41)
  • A different type of transport  (27:40)
  • Spending more to live in a nice place  (32:59)
  • Listener question  (38:11)


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9 Replies to “Podcast: The Best Things We’ve Spent Money On”

  1. Good episode guys, I think there’s a lot of misconceptions out there that pursuing FIRE means that you can’t spend any excess money on anything ever. Which is how some people do go about it, but I think most people are far more relaxed and still spend plenty of money on the things that are important to them.

    Like Pat I’m a big fan of international travel and we’ve already done a boatload of this, but still there’s plenty of other places to visit and some we’d like to go back to with the kids. And like yourself Dave we spent a lot more on housing than we needed to, but we’re happy with the tradeoff, particularly with working from home and having small kids who were doing remote learning!

    1. Haha yes, that’s definitely a common belief. It’s probably easy to make that assumption, when certain people (like myself) are talking about high savings rates and how to optimise everything.

      Thanks for your comments as always mate! It’s funny how although there are many different lifestyles and goals in the FIRE space, but the way we approach those things (ordering priorities, considering trade-offs, conscious choices) is near identical 🙂

  2. Any chance of doing transcripts? I have young kids so find a podcast impossible to listen to, but don’t want to miss out!

  3. Great podcast guys!! We do the LED lights through the house with the app too! Love it!
    Most of our luxuries are the same, home made coffee, home gym, travel, internet. We also spent money on gardening (fruit & veg) and pet chickens which has been incredibly fun & rewarding.

    1. Thanks for sharing Lin, sounds great 🙂
      Haha, seems I’m still in the dark ages with my traditional non-app light setup!

  4. Got to be honest; I almost fell off my chair. $1000 for a bicycle? Crazy – I’ve had a $200 last over 10 years riding it regularly. And smart lighting – in order for apps to turn them on/off – it means they’re always ‘on’.

    But overseas holidays or experiences – I’m with you all the way. Also with good quality knives and olive oil.

    1. Haha, I was surprised at the bike price too. But I think Pat’s talking about a high quality road bike, which is probably a good investment if someone was using that instead of a car. So I can see it being justified in some cases.

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