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Creating Freedom Through Financial Independence


Podcast: Savings with Benefits

November 2, 2021

In this episode…

In this week’s podcast we share some powerful savings ideas which can not only help sharpen your finances and give you more cash to invest, but these strategies also come with plenty of other life-enhancing benefits!


Listen to the show…

(or download the mp3 file here)


Discussion points…

  • A follow up on the Barefoot Investor  (01:41)
  • Learning to cook and make our own food  (09:19)
  • Making greener choices  (23:08)
  • Living a more local lifestyle  (33:56)
  • Tips for saving while socialising  (44:42)
  • Creating your own gym  (49:10)

Resources and stuff mentioned…

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6 Replies to “Podcast: Savings with Benefits”

  1. My favourite way of saving with cooking Is to cook meals in bulk. You then portion out and freeze the left-overs. This saves in a few ways, You can buy the ingredients in bulk, you save on power or gas when cooking, You save on waste as I find you use all the ingredients and time buy doing a larger batch, you save time, Save on water from doing dishes. I find doing this a life saver for the nights when I come home and dont feel like cooking. You then save money buy not reaching for a takeaway.

    1. Yes, I do the same. And it ended up being very handy during snap lockdowns knowing I had a bunch of meals in the freezer and didn’t have to worry about going grocery shopping in the toilet paper-mad crowds.

    2. Great suggestion mate, especially having some emergency supplies for when you don’t feel like cooking. We tend to cook big dishes and then eat them over a few nights.

  2. Hi Dave and Pat,

    Thank you for clarifying the misunderstanding about the Barefoot Investor, Pat. I understand your stance on this.

    I personally found the stock-picking part useful because it gave me an understanding of how much work it is to do a Warren Buffet-style fundamental analysis of stocks and that, as a full-time employee who values a decent social-life, I fell into the 99% of people who they stated should stick to passive investing.

    1. Thanks Emma! That makes perfect sense and actually trying stock picking myself for a couple of years was also what really convinced me that it’s simpler and more effective to invest in low cost diversified funds where you don’t have to do anything 🙂

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