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Creating Freedom Through Financial Independence


May 18, 2023 The Economics of Self Publishing A Book (How It All Works)

I pull back the curtain on the book industry, sharing my experience with self publishing, how it all works, and why I chose that path.  I also share how much authors typically make and break down the numbers for my own book.

April 28, 2023 Early Retirement Update: Notes from the Other Side

In this post, I share more details on what day-to-day life is like 6 years after quitting my job. How I’ve been spending my time lately and the different things I’m focused on.

April 18, 2023 How to Deal With Those Awkward FIRE Conversations

I share my thoughts on how to talk to friends and family about FIRE, what to tell people about your situation, and navigating those awkward conversations around money and personal finance.

March 27, 2023 What Are Taxes Like When You Retire Early in Australia?

Learn how much tax you’ll pay when you live off an investment portfolio in Australia.  I consider dividends, franking credits, capital gains, and even part-time income.

February 28, 2023 Achievement vs Enjoyment (and How to Have Both)

I share my thoughts on moving from being ‘goal focused’ all the time, towards the ‘enjoyment phase’ of your life when you reach FI.  And how to do this while still feeling productive, happy, and doing things that matter to you.

February 18, 2023 The Luxury of Outsourcing (Why I Don’t DIY)

I look at the many pros and cons of DIY vs Outsourcing, and why the tradeoffs are different for everyone. I also share my approach and explain how to figure out what’s best for your situation.

January 28, 2023 Our Household Spending in 2022 (Full Breakdown)

I share exactly how much money we spent in 2022, the breakdown for every single category, and how it compares to the prior year.

January 7, 2023 How to Spend More Money and Still Become Richer

Why it’s okay to increase your spending as you become wealthier. And how to do it in such a way that guarantees you keep on getting richer. Plus my thoughts on operating like a rich person.

December 22, 2022 Looking Back on 2022: Our Year in Review

In this post I share what we’ve been up to this year. We bought a house, continued volunteering, I wrote a book, we kept investing + lots more.

November 5, 2022 Reader Interview: A Real-Life Millionaire Next Door

I chat with a local Perth reader about his journey to financial independence and his new life of freedom, after building considerable wealth though decades of saving, investing and business ownership.

October 6, 2022 The Incredible Power of Momentum

Financial independence can seem complex, but is easily broken down into simple actions. In this article, I explain how to beat procrastination and take your first steps, building momentum, and how surprisingly powerful it is.

September 26, 2022 Why Our Idea of Sacrifice Is Wrong

Everything we do comes with benefits and drawbacks.  When we ‘sacrifice’ one thing for another, we’re choosing a better set of benefits and drawbacks.  And if that’s the case, then it’s not really sacrifice at all.

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10 Steps to Financial Independence